I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Scott was all about June. It bordered on overkill, but now I appreciate his mantra. Throughout May, Scott put a great deal of emphasis on the month that I couldn’t see how it would ever live up to his expectations. But somehow, it really did.

One of my busiest work months of the year, we still managed to squeeze in a dozen dates and several special events we had planned for a long time. Here is our June in review:

Favorite Restaurant:

Al and Scott – Estadio – each dish was prepared to perfection and the G & Ts didn’t disappoint either…

June Recap-1

Favorite Brunch:

Al and Scott – Society Fair (and hanging out with Lindsay)

Favorite Happy Hour:

Al and Scott – OURS of course! Union Street was the perfect place to entertain our new friends.

Favorite Date:

Al – Our first Bookalokal event, “Welcome to the Tiki Lounge”

Scott – Our wine tour day to Loudon County (post forthcoming)

June Recap-2

Favorite Post:

Al – It would have to be Miah’s story – Part 1, and 2, (Part 3 is coming tomorrow!) Love my brave girl.

Scott – 3 Months Living Together

What we’re looking forward to:

Meeting up in Orlando at the end of July for a family vacation :)

What we take away from June:

This month was all about embracing the blog name and really living in a DC minute. Loving this city for all is has to offer and making the most of our time together before spending the summer apart.

-Scott and Al